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Our work is exclusively focused on climate and sustainability.


Our Focus

CREO is a not-for-profit organization with a mission to mobilize and catalyze high impact capital to drive the necessary transition to a low-carbon, sustainable, and prosperous future for all. CREO provides research and analysis, peer and expert-led knowledge-building, strategic networking, and deal flow to optimize positive environmental outcomes through investments. 

Our impact goals include GHG mitigation, carbon removal, conservation and biodiversity, improved management of resources, and circularity. Primary sectors include energy, transportation, built environment, chemistry and materials, food & agriculture, aquaculture, forestry, waste management, and water. Investment practices include whole portfolio approaches and impact measurement and verification. 


Community Building

    By connecting like-minded and aligned investors, facilitating information flow, and fostering collaboration, we create efficiencies within the marketplace and accelerate positive outcomes.

Facilitate Investment

    Through deal flow and relationship building, we increase capital flows into hard-to-decarbonize sectors. We track these investments to measure the impact of our community.

Knowledge Building

    Through research and programming, we help investors build the knowledge and confidence that helps them successfully advance climate and sustainability goals through investment.

Community Leadership

    We work with institutional asset owners and other partners to accelerate capital deployment at scale. This gives us opportunities to influence larger pools of capital within a climate context.